Having just returned to work after a long-ish break, I found it really interesting to look at the magnetic white board on the wall of my home practice room for the first time in three weeks.
I had found the white board outside someone’s house near the beginning of lockdown in April 2020 and, after sanitizing it thoroughly, I started writing on it the random bits of stimulating things that I would read or hear (usually on the Ten Percent Happier podcast) during the long days of working at home.
As you can see, some of the statements have question marks punctuating them, and these statements have served as reflective prompts for months now; the statements without any punctuation tend to serve as aspirational prompts, reminding me of how I would like to experience the world during these incredibly surreal times.
I’m loth to erase the board and start again, so I think I might stick a piece of flipchart paper on top, and start jotting down newer random bits of stimulating stuff that I read or hear over the next six months…